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29 years at the Swedish Migration Agency. A hair-raising read.

We contacted Katta Svensson Katta Svensson has written a post that has had a huge impact on our social media. Among other things, she has worked with the revocation of PUT. Now she has retired. The cat's story is amazing. For 29 years she worked at the Swedish Migration Board. The last years of revoking residence permits for people who do not live here and who have no right to take part in our "welfare society". She tells about people who came to Sweden who traveled home to the country they fled from as soon as they had received a grant from us. She talks about how hundreds of people could share 40 sqm just to keep their contributions. She tells about how people borrowed everything they could from CSN and then disappeared from the country. She talks about how the state pays compliance pensions to children (up to 22 years old) who claim that their parents have died. A task they did not need to verify. Since the parents' resurrection, the state has not demanded the money back. It's a hair-raising read. And it is difficult to keep the anger away when you put what Katta writes about against crisis-ridden municipalities that save on hot food and heat for our elderly. Old people who toiled in the tower that the day they would need the welfare society would be there for them.


Someone should be held accountable. It may be impossible for power to get away with this.




After this hell


 After this hell that the cops put to it, the trust in these damn idiots is equal to zero. But when one of these has to put his life on the line, a guy who is so young, was only 33 years old, you think of the relatives. But there is an idiot who is completely responsible for this hell and that is Stefan Löfvén. Yesterday at that idiot's press conference after the shooting, that idiot stands and says that we have increased the security for our police in these vulnerable areas. These 3 idiots have gone to hell, they are the most responsible Prime Minister Stefan Löfvén, Minister of the Interior Mikael Damberg, Minister of Justice Morgan Johansson. Ever since the first day these idiots took over to rule the shitty country, everything has gone to hell, the security for all vulnerable girls who have been raped has increased by 176%, that's a hell of a lot. All crime, rapes, shootings, explosions, drugs, vulnerable areas, insecurity, acquitted rapists, these 3 are the highest responsible. Shitland has become a country that is now at the top of all EU countries at the top that have the most shootings. I remember in the 70s-80s Sweden was a very safe country, many employed police, very safe but now as it is now it has become a damn insecure country, today it is a shitty country. The whole legal system has become one big pack of corrupt idiots, they shit in laws and rules, they shit completely in the security of the citizens, the only thing they think of are refugees, those who sit at the top make everything a hell for the citizens. The old people in the country,  the pensioners who built the country from the very beginning, they shit in completely, they take money from these and give to the refugees.




During election night, September 9, 2018, the Election Authority's website crashed. The authority went out the next day saying that it was a "natural overload" that was the cause, but in fact they were exposed to a planned overload attack, something that the Election Authority chose to obscure for several months. Mikael Wilgert from Swebb-TV reports. The interview is from the beginning of 2021.


Posted on 2021-06-25 by JM

Another big damn scandal of the media in shitty Sweden without democracy